Monday, January 14, 2013

January 14

I've uploaded more photos to Jacob's Snapfish account. Click here to view.

Elder Jake to Dad:

We had interviews this week with President rasmussen and I told them that you guys were moving to Boise and they got excited and wanted to know where you guys were going and get your phone number. Oh well i guess!

We have not placed a single book this week and not one of our return appointments last week went through! We have a few that we can try by again, Chris in particular is still promising. President threw us a pretty big curveball this week! In our district meeting before interviews he talked about finding by the spirit. My attitude towards finding up until now has been all about dilligence and thoroughness: talk to as many people as possible as often as possible. However, President wants us to move to a more faith based approach. One of slowing down (a lot) and discerning and listening and following the spirit. Its kind of turned my approach on its head. It was really uncomfortable at first thinking about it and I felt really overwhelmed by it and a lot of the other counsel weve been given over the last few months. I really stuggled with it over the weekend but I want to do it! Its scary because it means we need to talk to far fewer people with a much higher success rate. Our new standards of excellence are to find 4 potential investigators a day and 3 new investigators a week!

There are other changes as well!! Along with all the new missionaries comiong in our transfer meetings will be discontinued and we will be going straight to our new areas at transfers!

Weve taught our investigators twice this week! Debbie is still very stubborn (I wont change!) but she reads what we leave her and prays so well see about that! Helen, her daughter, is very receptive! We taught the plan last night and she listened very well and felt that her questions were answered! We really only have one more chance to sink the hook with our next lesson! Hopefully the Gospel of Jesus Christ will answer their questions and concerns! I think it will really help Debbie see why we believe that going to church is important and that one true church is necessary! She has a really big issue with the necessity of church attendance shes always saying she doesnt need a church to pray. She has a lot of preconceived ideas that keep her from really listening to us and considering what we say. Pray for her heart to be softened and for her to listen! At the very least we need her to be ok with us teaching and focusing on Helen.

The last big thing from this week goes back to District Meeting, just after the massive changes and interviews started Elder Ockey gave a great district meeting about sustaining our leaders and following their counsel! (very appropriate!) Ive known Elder Ockey for 7 months now and in the last 6 weeks hes completely changed! He promised us all that if we would follow the many things weve been given over the last few months that we would all have an investigator on a date before transfers! And every time ive talked to him since its obvious how much more faith hes got; you can feel the spirit! Its pretty cool and it really helped me out when i was struggling with the changes the other day.

Pray for us to be in tune with the spirit! We need more faith here!

I love you! I will pray for you guys!

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